Spoon Tacx® Shiva™ 500ml Bio

Spoon Tacx® Shiva™ 500ml Bio


Spoon is a little family of brands these days, working toward the same goal of making better bikes.

This collection of three bottles from Tacx’s Bio range, celebrates our original ‘Sam Dunn’ headbadge graphic in our black and grey, and stone and grey versions of the bottle, and the blue design showcases every brand in our little team. Arranged like the logos in the press enclosure at the end of your own Grand Tour win.

Glen (our mechanic) suggested the stone coloured bottle is the ‘gravel’ version, but they function just the same as what must presumably be the alternative ‘road’ versions. He rides his bike more than the rest of us, so he must be right.

If you’ve watched a professional cycling Spring Classic or Grand Tour on television, then you have probably seen riders tossing empty water bottles to the roadside. While riders face up to 1,000 CHF (900 EUR) in fines for the infraction, Tacx® helped us to create our own custom bidon that was more palatable to the planet.

The Tacx® Shiva™ 500ml Bio is the world’s #1 water bottle of professional cycling, in biodegradable form.

The Shiva™ Bio water bottle is a classic design that features easy to squeeze biodegradable plastic, and an aerodynamic, ergonomic cap with lockable pull-out spout.

Tacx® Shiva™ 500ml Bio bottle and cap are made in The Netherlands using BPA/F/S and PET(E) Free biodegradable plastic.

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